YAPC day 2: optimer.pm

jdavidb on 2002-06-27T19:54:01

Simon was late to his talk, but it was still good. (I don't believe it was his fault.)

You might not know it, but it's quicker to call functions directly on tied objects, as in tied(%hash)->STORE($key, $val) instead of $hash{$key} = $val. With optimize::tied you can just declare a variable with a :tied attribute and it will rewrite the op tree to make this work.

Arthur is working on giving us inlinable subroutines.

I'd fault him...

jordan on 2002-06-27T20:12:33

  • Simon was late to his talk, but it was still good. (I don't believe it was his fault.)

Surely it was Simon's fault that his talk was good. Who's else would take the blame?
