YAPC day 2: lunch

jdavidb on 2002-06-27T18:13:19

Lunch was a $5 YAS pizza benefit. I'm carrying around a CodeRed to go with it, but my kidneys were actually hurting this morning, so maybe I should go easy on the caffeine and quit drinking it every time its offered as well as drinking what I brought.

I came in here to post journal entries and wound up helping gnat and mjd tape something very interesting. I'm a regular button pusher at church, too, so I was experienced with the monumental task they gave me of scrolling a window.

I bought a T-shirt at the 10:30 break. Turns out I packed a shirt for every day of the conference, and nothing to wear home. :) I was surprised the shirt was only $5; even though I needed the shirt I was really buying it as a donation.

gizmo_mathboy mentioned me, so I should mention him. We did meet up several times yesterday and today. I've got to go read through some other people's entries and see who's here that I haven't met, yet.