Almost on the way to St. Louis

jdavidb on 2002-06-13T20:50:30

My manager has asked her manager to approve sending me to YAPC. This is incredible! Three days ago I wouldn't have dreamed of asking to go, and I would have expected to have to take my own time off and pay my own way. Now I'm practically there. (Of course, the request could be refused, but the action in the last 24 hours has made me highly optimistic.)

I guess it helped that I didn't request to take any training courses in the future. I've taken basic Oracle programming courses, and I know more about Perl than anyone else here. Throw in a smattering of assorted skills like Expect and basic system administration, and there's not too many training classes that will really benefit me. I get most of my "training" from O'Reilly books and the Internet. (And now that they're buying books for our library here again, I can start expanding my continuing education even further.)

So, do YAPC'ers get to tour the facility?

Looking forward to maybe meeting some of you face to face, especially since I just missed last night's opportunity to hear Damian Conway's Life, the Universe, and Everything hosted by I've been drooling over TPC and YAPC schedules without a hope until yesterday; can't believe I might actually get to hear some of these talks.