Evaluating open source request systems

jdavidb on 2002-06-12T21:22:58

Yet another reason I like my new boss: she mentioned this morning that the group I'm now in is planning on implementing a request system in the future, and when I mentioned I knew of two open source applications that might fit the bill, she asked me to investigate them. So, now I'm looking into buzilla and rt in detail for the first time, and it's part of my job, to boot.

So, anyone got any suggestions about what might be better suited for a small programming/admin shop looking to bring order to the chaos? Is there anything out there besides rt and bugzilla I should be looking at? Anyone want to just take the opportunity to gush about how much rt (or bugzilla) has meant to them in their day to day work?


darobin on 2002-06-13T09:43:56

I haven't looked at Bugzilla in a while, but last time I checked the code wasn't all that pretty. I've also found it more bothersome to use.

RT on the other hand (and while it has its quirks like all software) is definitely a great choice. If you haven't had a chance to play with rt.cpan.org, I recommend you do. Also, you'll easily get lots of support from people in the community that are using it.


Matts on 2002-06-13T10:20:53

I second the recommendation to go for RT. We use Bugzilla for SpamAssassin, and it's the single biggest productivity killer on the project (IMHO). Whereas we use RT for axkit, and all my other CPAN modules, and it kicks ass.