Linus on GPL

jdavidb on 2002-06-10T15:59:46

As a free software kind of guy, I've of course been disappointed by recent events such as the bitkeeper issue. I once read that the inventor of AtheOS wished he had never used the GPL, and sometimes I wondered if Linus himself or some of the other kernel developers didn't feel the same way. Today's Kernel traffic summary laid some of those fears to rest.

The thing that disgusts me is that this "patent" thing is used as a complete red herring, and the real issue is that some people don't like the fact that the kernel is under the GPL. Tough cookies.

Stop making excuses. I'm personally really happy with having another reason why people should make all their kernel modules GPL'd. I see way too many problems with things like the nVidia kernel modules etc, and I realize that the GPL scares away some people, and I don't care.

Some people (you and Karim) seem to think that the GPL requirement si going to hurt Linux in the embedded space. Fair enough. That's what all the BSD people claimed was the case about Linux in server space, Linux on the desktop, or Linux anywhere.

Personally, I'll just bet on open source myself. Even in the embedded space. And anybody who bets against me, I just don't care about, because it has zero impact on me.

Many times in life, it's important to concentrate on the things that unite us more than those that divide us.