The trilogy

jdavidb on 2002-05-12T03:16:18

Well I sure had a good day today. My younger brother and I are both finished with the current semester and definitely needed a break after all the stress we've had, so he thought it would be a good idea to watch all the existing Star Wars movies before the big day next week. We watched the entire original trilogy all afternoon. I don't think I've ever done that before.

Next week we'll find a night to watch Episode I again.

Yes, I liked TPM. No, I'm not interested in listening to reason on the matter. AOTC is going to be great, and all the people who say they're going to stay home are really going to miss out. (Everyone I know in person loved EpI except for 2 of them; I don't know why it gets such a bad rap on the Internet.)

Episode 1

autarch on 2002-05-12T04:41:13

I don't think Episode 1 was terrible. It was just extremely average. Flashy effects, mediocre plot, mediocre pacing, some interesting characters, some awful ones, etc.

Compare this to the original trilogy, which is pretty much uniformly great.

Basically, people wanted the old magic, and were understandably disappointed when it didn't happen.

I for one will go see Episode 2, and early reviews are promising. But I'm not expecting big magic for this one either.