I am not impressed with lolcats

jdavidb on 2008-09-18T16:14:45

Today I finally went to the trouble to figure out what the heck these silly cat images are. The term is lolcats.

Personally, I just think it's stupid. If you think the images are cute, great. I like cats, and cute cat pictures. I do not like having people attempt to address serious subjects on serious newsblogs I like with these pictures as commentary. What is happening here is a reduction of people's capacity to effectively communicate the message they want to convey. They are so obsessed with the results of their neurons repeatedly firing off random interest in these pictures that they can't think of another way to say what they want to say, apparently. Meanwhile, I guess the rest of us aren't "hip" and "mod" since we don't know (or care) what the point of these images are.

I'll be glad when interest in this fades.

2007 called...

awwaiid on 2008-09-18T18:43:51

dude, lolcats are soooo 2007!

Re:2007 called...

jdavidb on 2008-09-19T14:23:08

I have no idea; all I know is I never saw the thing until two or three weeks ago, and suddenly they're everywhere. I'd just as soon have never seen them at all.

Re:2007 called...

awwaiid on 2008-09-19T16:08:19

I've written about this phenomenon of suddenly becoming aware of something... see the end of this blog post :) http://thelackthereof.org/TLT/2007.08.08/Hey..._I_Just_Heard_About_That


markjugg on 2008-09-19T16:32:23

What's an example of a blog post which has mis-used lolcats?


jdavidb on 2008-09-23T18:12:28

All of them.

oh noes

petdance on 2008-09-18T18:58:44

I suspect you will not enjoy http://www.lolcatbible.com/