SVK (and CVS)

jdavidb on 2008-03-17T14:30:56

I'm going to start using SVK for work, but I'll continue to be interfacing with our main repository which is CVS. Any tips and tricks people can offer me for making the two work together would be appreciated. If I understand correctly, SVK can't currently just talk to CVS as its backend like it does to Subversion, so I'll basically have to manually commit to CVS, and when I do that people won't see the intermediate changes I've made to my own local SVK depot. That's probably desirable behavior at this point, although I'd rather SVK manage talking to CVS for me.

If someone can persuade me that Git or something else talks to CVS and would be better for me, please do so. In terms of experience I feel pretty competent with CVS, moderately competent with Subversion (though I've never been comfortable with the way tags and branches were flattened into the filesystem namespace, and I never really learned how to weave around between branches; I figure I'll just skip learning that and depend on SVK to do it for me under the hood), and I have a week of experience with SVK. I watched part of Torvalds' rant where he described git and understood what I saw, for the most part.

git and (other)

hdp on 2008-03-17T16:53:34

Our in-house repo at work is svn. Both rjbs and I use and enjoy git (with git-svn) for disconnected operation -- we aren't making use of all the awesome distributed features of git, but that's ok, because it's still really fast and powerful.

git-cvs is probably worth at least giving a try, and for use as a better frontend to your existing VCS, git's interface isn't very daunting.

We were both using svk a few years ago and got turned off of it after one too many "oops, I re-committed 50 random revisions" problems.