I'm a Fiver

jdavidb on 2007-05-04T15:48:09

Perl 5 is not Perl 6. A lot of people labor under the strange misimpression that noone should do any work in Perl until Perl 6 comes out. This is ridiculous. They are two completely different languages. In fact, the Perl 6 effort revitalized Perl 5. Some people are just using this as an excuse to troll Perl in general. If you're waiting for some whiz-bang feature of Perl 6, that makes some sense, but if you're not clued in enough to realize they are two separate languages then you probably don't know what you're waiting for in Perl 6.

Perl 5 is going to continue to be supported for the forseeable future. The delay in Perl 6 means no more for Perl 5 than a delay in the release schedule of Python does.

I'm proud to be a Fiver. Some day maybe I'll become a Sixer. But there's no reason to now, for me.


shild on 2007-05-04T18:12:12

Well put.