Something good

jdavidb on 2002-03-04T16:05:44

My job some days could almost be described as "automation wizard." So, along with Perl, I've been doing the Expect thing since 1998. In fact, Don Libes's Expect book from O'Reilly is the only O'Reilly book I've ever read all the way through. (It's a fascinating read and will really educate you about the thrill of UNIX. Interesting tidbits lurk on every page that you will find useful even if you never touch Expect or TCL. An absolute must read for a UNIX programmer.)

Of course, I've wanted to get my automation stuff into Perl since forever. Maybe actually since 1999, the year I moved into Perl 5 and CPAN. There's a lot of options. There's been an for a long time. Net::Telnet is also often cited as a solution. More recently, I discovered IO::React and felt that it did a better job than any of the others in offering the interface I wanted. Of course, those of you who've been here longer than me remember and other things, although no one talks about them now.

For a short while I thought IO::React was going to be it, the wonderful solution I'd been waiting for to start doing this kind of thing in Perl. But it never really took off, (or at least, I never really took off using it). Then, the good thing I'm referring to in the title of this entry happened. Roland Giersig took up where the previous author of had left off. Suddenly did a lot more than I remembered it doing, and it looked a lot more like Perl.

Roland is putting out betas of and supporting modules every time I turn around. There's a sourceforge mailing list where I've received help several times. Roland's also been very receptive to feature requests and patches. In the past few days, the expectperl mailing list has exploded with activity (relatively speaking, since it's still a small list). There's Roland, answering questions, taking suggestions, proposing solutions, and cranking out beta releases. I'm just drinking it all in, constantly learning and thrilled to be able to start adding to my arsenal of automation tools. Around here, I'm starting to make the TCL/Expect stuff go away.

On top of everything, Roland has announced that Don Libes is starting to work on the next generation Expect, which will build on the knowledge accumulated in the years since Expect was created, and will come in the form of an embeddable library designed for use in multiple "scripting" languages including Perl/Python/TCL. So the next generation will probably be an XS module wrapped around the real expect. Of course, by then we'll have Perl 6 and XS will be history, but that's another kettle of fish.

So, Roland Giersig and rock my world. If you ever have to automate interactive programs, consider letting them rock yours.

Oh, and if you don't have the Rhesus monkey book, get it. There are some things in that book that will probably never be out of date.

Thanks for the info

djberg96 on 2002-03-04T19:20:02

I just recently discovered Expect so that I could automate scp. The Net-SCP wrapper doesn't allow it currently (and probably never will), and Ben Trott hasn't yet created Net::SCP::Perl, though it's on his "to do" list. While I was able to get away with piping 'cat' through a standard ssh connection for plain-text files, that trick ain't gonna cut it with binaries.

Anyway, thanks again for the info.

Re:Thanks for the info

jdavidb on 2002-03-04T21:23:14

Glad I could help someone! I'm looking forward to what's in store for as more people use it.