Can't handle database field length

jdavidb on 2006-05-02T16:10:14

Okay, it's just not really impressive when you enroll for an Oracle course and the database company sponsoring the course sends you an email back that has your name truncated to "J. David Blacks" because they set an arbitrary limit on how long the name should be. Oracle people should know better.

It's kind of like when I attended YAPC 2002 and found my name was sorted under "D" because whoever wrote the sorting program picked the second field out of all of our names and assumed it was the last, which fails to work with all of the "van Burens" and "de Carteses" of the world, not to mention those of who who prepend a first initial to our real (middle) name.

Years ago...

jordan on 2006-05-02T17:40:21

I received 3 index-size advertising cards in the mail from Informix on the same day. Same work address, name with and without Middle Initial, one name with a Mr. in front of it.

Pretty pathetic for a db company.