jdavidb on 2006-03-24T09:24:22

Eeep! Eeep! Ribbit! Hoot!

Discussion, discussion, is it good or bad?

Why listen to feedback when our minds are made up?

Show the problem with closemindedness by being closeminded.

After all, a blog entry is surely more accurate than the text of the bill.

Words used in the blog entry but not in the bill: "official" (except in the word "elected officials"), "religion." Can you spot others? Woof! Woof! Meow! Cheep! Yeaaaaarggggghg!.

Not saying I support the bill. As a libertarian, I support people's right to form their own government and replace or ignore the existing one if it does crappy stuff they disagree with, which might very well include this. But adding to the facts on the matter implies that you don't have a strong enough case to stand on its own, and indicates your own unwillingness to listen to what the other side is saying (as if we already didn't know that). Wouldn't the world be better if we could have true communication instead of ignoring each other? After all, silence is evil. Spread the word.

Huh ?

rafael on 2006-03-24T14:18:59

You're not linking to any blog entry... makes it pretty difficult what you're talking about.

Minority Rights

gizmo_mathboy on 2006-03-25T13:41:01

The bill total throws out the First Amendment. It has no respect for minority rights.

They can propose the bill and even sign it into law. Don't be surprised when the SCOTUS rules it unConstitutional (I hope).

Aren't there more important things the legislators of Missouri can be doing?

Re:Minority Rights

jdavidb on 2006-03-27T15:46:36

Again, I didn't say I supported the bill. Just that it was quite mischaracterized by someone who doesn't seem interested in hearing any dissension on anything he has to say.

As an anarchist, I support the right for people to establish independent religious and/or secular governments which may compete with each other on the open market for citizens. :)