
jdavidb on 2005-07-27T13:12:37

She fought back.

I think it's only fair that if airline screeners get to grab passengers' breasts they get to grab back.

Oh, and apparently it makes it okay to touch someone's breasts if you use the back of your hand. I'm very tempted to make a misogynistic comment here, which would really be intended to highlight the way in which this standard could be perceived as absurd, but I will refrain. My wife wouldn't want me backhanding any other women's breasts, anyway.

What exactly was a 62 year old woman going to do on the plane?

Penn Gillette's experience

da on 2005-07-27T15:38:02

I much enjoyed the journal entry by Penn Gillette when a security guard grabbed his crotch under similar circumstances in 2002.


I said that I had talked to two lawyers and they said it was really a weird case because no one knows if he can be charged with assault and battery while working in that job. But I told her, that some of my lawyer friends really wanted to find out. She said, "Well, we're very new to this job . . ." and I said, "Yeah, so we need these test cases to find out where you stand."

She said, "Well, you know a LOT about this." I said, "Well, it's not really the right word, but freedom is kind of a hobby with me..."

Rotten Apples

chaoticset on 2005-07-27T16:14:32

It only takes a few honest security personnel to ruin the fun for all the rest. If that one had lied and said the passenger was "acting erratic", she'd be in prison, and we could get on with all the federally-mandated gropage!