Live long and prosper!

jdavidb on 2005-05-11T17:30:04

Joseph Thomas Blackstone salutes you in the traditional Vulcan manner of my family.

Took this picture immediately after Joseph arrived home, to send to my in-laws so they could see him in the clothes they bought him. Shortly thereafter, my sister-in-law called my wife and said, "Did you see his hand? Did you do that deliberately?"

A chip off the old block! Obligatory baby with O'Reilly book photos will be following soon.


pudge on 2005-05-17T22:41:24

But please, we don't need more baby pictures with ORA books. :-)


jdavidb on 2005-05-18T12:58:15

lol; actually my wife (a photographer) is planning that at some upcoming point. It's not my fault I didn't meet my wife until that meme was past. :)