authorized_keys2 (OpenSSH) is obsolete

jdavidb on 2005-04-12T20:40:37

The authorized_keys2 file is obsolete. Sadly, I did not get the memo, and this has been causing no end of stress and confusion for me lately. I am glad to finally find out what was going on.

Posted here for anyone else who, like me, apparently lives under a rock.

The full story

jdavidb on 2005-04-12T20:59:24

Turns out this was very old news. I think what happened is that the authorized_keys2 file (and various other *2 files) were deprecated a long time ago (2001?); the OpenSSH programs continued to check for and recognize the files until recently, when someone finally decided to eliminate the cruft. I think I commend the design decision, although it has certainly caused me annoyance. :) My own fault for not keeping up, though.

Why keep up...

samtregar on 2005-04-13T04:35:29

...when you can stay behind?


Re:Why keep up...

jdavidb on 2005-04-13T16:29:22

lol, cool