It's a boy!

jdavidb on 2004-12-09T20:08:04

Took the day off today to go have our sonogram done, and we verified that "Re," as we've been calling him is, in fact, a boy.

So now we're ready to move from our "alpha release" name of Re to our "beta release" name: Joseph Thomas Blackstone. We're naming our baby Joseph because of the great faith of Joseph in the Bible who chose to do right even when placed in devastating circumstances, and Thomas after the disciple of Jesus who finally believed when he met the risen Lord and saw proof with his own eyes.

Might change the name around between now and the birth, but it's not likely.

We're at twenty weeks, with another twenty or so to go. Sarah's finally gotten past most of the upset stomach problems and things.

Because my father is on vacation my mother got to find out before him, and she is very proud. At some point she's supposed to talk to him on the phone today and share the news.


VSarkiss on 2004-12-10T02:41:23

One thing I have to warn you, though: sometimes the doctors tell you it's a boy after they're fooled by a finger held strategically....


jdavidb on 2004-12-10T04:23:57

LOL; there's only one way to be absolutely sure, and that's to wait nine months and see what comes out.

There will definitely be a revision to the beta name upon final release if it turns out the doctor is wrong. :)


rafael on 2004-12-10T10:13:47

Most errors are the other way around though, the foetus' penis being hidden from the soundwaves by a leg or another organ. Or so was I told. Penises don't come by five :)