One thing every programmer needs to know is how to track down basic necessities when trapped and isolated in a strange environment. Everyone knows programmers need a particular fluid to survive and practice their craft. No, no, I'm talking about the other fluid: caffeinated beverages.
Sometimes you just can't find Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, or whatever your beverage of choice is. Sometimes the machine is empty. Sometimes you just want a change. So here's three soft drinks you might not have known were caffeinated:
Actually I think maybe most people know about Big Red (assuming it's available outside of Texas...), but it came as a surprise to me at one time. Barq's is nice because it's the only caffeinated root beer I know about. Sunkist is what I used to drink when I was trying to cut down on caffeine, before I knew. Oh, well. :)
I don't know anything about the relative caffeine content of these drinks. None of them compares to Jolt, of course, but sometimes a change is nice.
Finally, 7-Up has recently introduced a caffeinated variant of itself, thus breaking a promise I remember a man on television making when I was about six: "No caffeine. Never had it; never will."
Are you saying that all of them have caffeine?
Re:Sunkist what?
jdavidb on 2003-03-31T20:47:15
Sorry; I can remember when that confused me, too, because all I knew were Sunkist oranges and fruit snacks. Apparently I have forgotten that.
Sunkist makes an orange soda that happens to be caffeinated. Compare to crush or orange Slice, except I don't think those are caffeinated.
Hmm, I just discovered Sunkist soda is made by Dr. Pepper/7-UP, so that may further explain why non-Texans aren't aware of it.
Second hmmm, actually, it says Sunkist is the most popular orange soda in the U.S.
Re:du cafe
jdavidb on 2003-03-31T20:42:51
You, my friend, have just touched on a big sore point. Coffee is what I drink when I don't have change for the vending machine because, after all, it's free.
Or was. (SOB!) As part of a money saving measure, our company has recently dropped all free coffee. And we can't have coffee makers on our desks, because that would violate fire codes, and they can't keep up with firecodes across the country. Oh, and they've got these lovely new vending machines that'll sell us a tiny cup of coffee without enough sugar for 40 cents. Some of us highly think there's a connection between the firecodes and those machines, but I can't quite figure out what.
So now, when I need caffeine, and don't have money, I'm out of luck. Coffee won't substitute, because it's not free. So I just sleep at my desk! I figure, it must be what the company wants!
Never cut off free caffeine from your developers.
survival kit
gizmo_mathboy on 2003-03-31T21:08:49
Why not get that caffeine sludge from
It has an insane amount of caffeine in it. Just add water.:-)
Worst comes to worst there's always caffeine pills.
Then again, the only caffeine I get is the iced tea I drink at lunch.Re:survival kit
jdavidb on 2003-03-31T21:22:02
I love thinkgeek.
:) No, the main issue about the coffee is, "How do I get my caffeine when I have no change in my pockets?"
Dom2 on 2003-03-31T22:23:32
I just read your posts title as Depleted Uranium Cafe. Urgh. That does conjure up a somewhat vivid picture now I'm forced to think about it, however.-Dom
inkdroid on 2003-03-31T22:39:37
Heh. This might make a good name for cafe in some hip neighborhood somewhere. More interesting than Disk Usage Cafe at any rate.
ps. too much war here too. I wish we embed more journalists in the halls of congress to see what our congressmen and senators get up to.