If only to provide a data point, I feel compelled to write this.
My new-to-me iBook (500 mhz, 20gb, 384mb) has been a freaking blast. No hardware errors, and no software errors that I didn't generate and thereby deserved.
There's no software on the hard drive that isn't free (with the exception of the OS). Well, okay, there's a shareware game that I'll probably get tired of within a week and trash.
Hell, I even dropped it onto the sidewalk with only a small crack and a bit of abrasion to show for it.
Two weeks after purchase, I threw an Airport card in and found an inexpensive wireless router. Like Pudge, I can now write journal entries from a seated position in the "reading room". :)
Now that I think about it, I've never had any hardware problems with any Apple equipment I've owned. For the curious, this includes a //c, Imagewriter II, LC, Stylewriter I, and this laptop.
Maybe my good fortune averages out the problems that other people experience. For them, I have the following message: