I'd like to formally announce #news on irc.perl.org. It's be up and running for awhile, but after YAPC::NA 2006, I replaced all my code with plagger and a yaml config file.
Currently rssbot watchings the following Perl sites and notfies the channel with updates
20:50:19 * rssbot [perlcast] Perlcast Interview with Andy Hunt on "Practices of an Agile Developer" 20:50:19 * rssbot [perljournals] [schwern] Julian Cash is a genius. 21:00:29 * rssbot [cpan] SWF-Chart-1.4 21:00:29 * rssbot [perljournals] [jmcada] Practices of an Agile Developer 21:10:22 * rssbot [perlmonks] [PerceptiveJohn] Perl On Server 22:00:44 * rssbot [cpan] MP3-Find-0.06 22:30:31 * rssbot [perlmonks] [Petruchio] Who would win in a swordfight? 22:40:34 * rssbot [cpan] CPAN-Mini-0.500 22:40:37 * rssbot [cpan] Perl-Critic-Bangs-0.01 23:00:17 * rssbot [perlmonks] [ehdonhon] PITTSBURGH PERL WORKSHOP: FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS 23:00:17 * rssbot [perljobs] Perl Developer for Test Automation 23:20:14 * rssbot [perlmonks] [llee] windows eventsHope you see you in #news!
Re:use.perl.org journals?
jbisbee on 2006-07-12T15:27:08
The Perl journals RSS feed seems to be broken at the moment. (You can blame me because I asked pudge to change it to add content)
http://use.perl.org/journal.pl?op=top&content_type=rssRe:use.perl.org journals?
jbisbee on 2006-07-13T03:02:39
Wasn't a broken feed, but in plagger URLs need to be unique. The cool thing about plagger is that there are all sorts of "hooks" to get things to work! So I just use the feed from the search http://use.perl.org/search.pl?op=journal&content_type=rss and wrote a custom plugin that switched things up a bit.
I also wrote a CustomFeed handler for CPAN Ratings to show the actual rating *, **, ***, etc in the title.