RFC: Perl jobs mailing list guidelines and submission form

jarich on 2007-08-06T12:31:32

Perl Training Australia has had a unused Jobs mailing list for a while now with the bold intent of allowing all the businesses who contact us regarding Perl consulting and jobs to have (moderated) access to past students of ours (opt-in) and other interested people. But we've been busy and lazy and nothing has happened. I have good reason to believe that the list will receive in the order of 300 subscribers when we make it live.

Today I spent all day putting together a jobs submission page for businesses. This was partially caused by Skud's How not to write a Perl job post and the discussion we had while she was writting it, and also from yet another request for Perl programmers.

I've taken Skud's, Ovid's, Adrian's and Joel Spolsky's advice, and tried to make the potential employer answer all the questions I've ever have about a job when I'm reading the advert. Still I've left lots of them optional just in case they can't be bothered.

This service isn't designed for recruiters. It's for Perl businesses, or businesses who use Perl. Recruiters can use it, but I don't know if they will.

This isn't up for real yet. There's lots of work to be done, including javascript tooltips, improved page linking and the creation of a back-end to handle submissions. What I'm asking for right now is feedback.

  • Would you use this form, or decide it was just too hard?
  • Have I missed any really important questions?
  • Have I missed any really important options in my multi-option questions?
  • Do you think I should change what is/isn't optional?
  • Are there things you think I should leave out?
  • What else should I be covering in my guidelines?
  • Any other feedback.

jobs.perl.org. Before you ask, I just want to say that yes I'm very aware of this wonderful service! Unfortunately there are a lot of Perl programmers in Australia who are completely uninterested in being part of the Perl community. Many of our students are in this category. While I expect that I can ask them to let me subscribe them to our mailing list, I don't think I could ever get them to subscribe to the jobs.perl.org list. My compromise is suggesting that employers also submit their job to jobs.perl.org, hopefully we'll just help them think a little about what they want to post first. :)

Thankyou in advance!

Job form...

sigzero on 2007-08-06T14:24:24

I think that is pretty good. It isn't too long that the business is going to drop out of the process and it gives the Perl coder some good info (if the business puts it in there correctly in the first place).

I like this:

"Use plain text, no HTML. Remember it's "Perl" not "PERL".

It made me chuckle.