Hard at work

jarich on 2004-11-16T03:31:06


I keep thinking that I should write in this more often. If for no other reason that in a few years I'll be able to remember what I was up to. I just need to find the time...


Almost every second of my spare time (and a fair amount of work time too) has gone into conference organisation over the last few months. I have estimated that I've spent at least 8 hours per week on this since we started. Probably more. Probably 12 hours easy. That's at least a full months full-time. Shame it doesn't pay. ;)

On the plus side it's coming along really well. We appear to be in the black financially, and that's after buying everyone a decent lunch everyday.

I'm both looking forward to it, and looking forward to it being over. I think it'll be a great three days even with me being run off my feet, but I'll love having my free time back.


My garden has been largely neglected so far. I enthusiastically planted turnips, raddishes and other brassica before winter. They came out, fled to flower and were covered in aphids. Good brassica. The plan was then to plant more interesting plants, having bred up the aphid predators.

I haven't managed to get that far yet.

With Paul's help a few weeks ago I was able to create another garden though, and we split the rhubarb up into pieces and planted it out. Even the bits where we accidently cut off almost all of the roots have thrived. I'm sure all of this rain has helped.

I did get some seeds in and I have little thickets of tommy tomatos, dill, carrots and broad beans coming up. I suspect the seeds for most of the other food-stuff didn't germinate due to being too old. :(


I hate grass. It grows too quickly. Especially with all of this rain. One day I hope to replace our grass with chamomile or oregano, or some other lawn substitute.

The chickens would probably scratch that up though.


Years ago I dragged Paul off to see Paying it forward. It was a good movie. Anyway, Paul very excitedly informed me, a few days ago, that someone's come up with a practical implementation of a small-domain paying-it-forward.

It appears that Wikipedia has a lot of pages with slightly invalid wiki syntax. These pages have been collected and people are slowly working through them fixing the syntax. The fixers are encouraged to put the following note in each page they fix: [[Wikipedia:WikiProject Wiki Syntax|Please return the favour by clicking here to fix someone else's Wiki Syntax]] Thus each person is invited to express their thanks for the page-fixup, by fixing another 5 errors themselves.

It's a great idea. And although I haven't had any pages that I'm watching fixed up this way, I spent a few hours working through some errors last night.