
james on 2002-11-21T14:56:47

Its been a while since I wrote in my Journal. Quite a lot has happened in between however, so its probably worth jotting down a few things.

I moved. We bought a house, moved into it, have started rennovating it, and that is taking an awful lot of my time.

We've bought a car. We were sort of hoping that we wouldn't have to, being 'londoners' we were used to having an irregular bus service and striking tube workers and therefore didn't need one when were living in the city. However, now we are on the outskirts and it becomes a little more necessary. So we bought a car. A mini cooper (the original one instead of the new expensive one) in British Racing Green. Mmmm.

Anyway, between work, and the house, and all the other annoying random crap that fills ones life, I've not had much time for anything really. Ho hum...

I have been putting Pixie and Pipelines and OpenFrame all together in the writing of Katrien's website however, and that is proving to be quite an interesting diversion from work, but at the same time providing me with all sorts of crackfuelled schemes to try out.

Perhaps I should make more time... who knows?