Getting back to YAPC time

james on 2002-09-19T09:37:22

YAPC time is on a different scale from normal time. The daytime lasts about 20 hours, and the nights seem to last 4. Or at least they did last night.

Thats right, I'm feeling particularly weak and wobbly this morning: Greg, a bottle of brandy, and time to kill (in theory) is a bad bad combination. Especially when you have to give a talk the next morning at 10:00.

I think the Pixie talk went reasonably well, although I found myself running out of slides a little earlier than I'd hoped for. Of course thats largely because I was still a little croaky from the night before and I couldn't remember all the side chatter that I had planned. Gratuitous amounts of water and a hot shower did much to help that but still I think I'd rather have had a little more sleep.

Anyway, I've got to do the lightning talk later on this afternoon so that should be another round of fun.