Talk done...

james on 2001-08-03T16:41:51

...and I didn't get lynched. Of course, I toned it down some from its original hyper-agressive nature. Marty mentioned that he was working on a module to check method signatures at run time, I mentioned I'd already written and shelved one, but I can't remember why, Marty mentioned that the code probably looked very similar, I agreed.


Pierre came up with a /(mad|cool)/ idea for using compiling perl-in-perl using inline, and then letting people override 'stuff' as they see fit by subclassing the perl interpreter. I'm not yet sure if this is a good thing, but I'm willing to give it a go. Needless to say, Pierre was impressed with Inline.

The lightning talks were fun, Jez's talk about anti-security was probably the funniest, and self-relative paths got another go-around. People who were at YAPC::America::North may remember the original 5 minutes.

Tonight is the (oh my god) pub crawl. I'm of the opinion that I've had to crawl home just about every night, so the thought of going from pub2pub is maybe not the good idea. Someone pointed out that it may well be an hour of standing in line to get a drink because its such a large group. I think I agree.

I have Greg's 'Schwern'[0] tee-shirt with me because he couldn't be arsed to carry it. I don't know what I get out of it yet :-)

More later (time for beer)...

[0] Ask him, not me..