So we are going to be shipping software onto production boxes very shortly indeed. The boxes are being built, and I've been asked to provide a list of software to have installed on the box. We know that everything is passing tests under 5.8.0 RC 1, but the time until a full 5.8.0 is still fairly fuzzy. I'm stuck making the decision with what to do.
5.6.x worries me and always has -- I'd rather go straight on to 5.8.0. On the other hand, going with RC 1 now, RC 2 later, and then bumping it up to 5.8.0 when the time comes seems like an awfully big risk.
...decisions, decisions...
Re:point-oh releases
pudge on 2002-06-13T22:03:03
On top of that, 5.6.1 seems to be a pretty good release of perl...