This project is crazy. Its quite big in ambition, and its definitly got a lot of subtle traps that may seem to be there purely to bite people with.
Objects have so many states that sometimes its hard to figure out in your head what an object should look like, what it does look like, and what it will look like at any given point in the code. It operates on a lot of dark magic, and thats good in some ways, but bad in others.
Of course, the bad part is that it leads to lots of insiduous bugs that vanish and reappear and causes me to pull my hair out. In the particular piece of code I've been working on there's been much hoopage to leap through over the last few days. Unfortunatly its hoopage that had to be leapt through, and thats somewhat disapointing. Things should magically happen, but the happenings should also be the correct things
Ho hum.