Was a good day today. I woke up around ten o'clock, and sat on #London.pm for a while. Discussing NMS, SOAP::Lite and Java/Perl interop.
Around 11:30 Katrien woke up and we went to the Borough Market, for some fresh fruit and vegetables as well as some nice ostrich fillets. While we were their we bumped into a couple of london.pm'ers (namely muttley and blech).
Came home, and, as predicted, vacumed for a while. Made dinner (mashed potatos and ostrich), and then sat down to write this.
There was some useful feedback about OpenFrame on some of the lists, so that has been helpful -- I'll get to work rolling some of those changes into OpenFrame on Monday morning for next weeks release (presumed - we seem to be doing about one a week, and of course the CVS is open to all).
Ahhhhhhmmmm. Weekend.
Oh, Amelia, if you're reading, Niles wants to know if you have an extra pair of anti-sand slippers for his trip to Egypt.