Tech Meet, Openframe, et al

james on 2001-11-22T23:00:47

Well, tonight was the technical meeting. Lots of presentations all around - the one I was particularly interested in seeing - piers' refactoring talk, was far too late, and I had to miss it. Leon's profiling talk outlined some of the modules on CPAN that allow for profiling, and Leo did a talk on a loadbalancing system that I can't remember the name of.

My talk of course, was on OpenFrame, and it was my first opportunity to really talk about the ideas that have been put into it in public - I was quite nervous about it. The presentation itself went well, and was done with Openframe serving the slides. Everybody ooh'd and ahd when I clicked on the hangman app, played hangman for a while, and then clicked back on the presentation with it taking me back to the slide that I left it on. Someone mentioned that its the little things that matter, and that is very true.

Hopefully the presentation tonight will spur people into using the framework. Its been developed in isolation from the rest of the world, and it was nice to share the ideas behind it and find out that I wasn't a complete loon with lots of the things that I was doing.

We got another release of Openframe out today, which was very good. Shortly afterwards acme got SOAP messages going between slots, so the next release should be a good one.

Anyway, that'll have to do for now. I may or may not write more tomorrow, depending on how awake I am (I have to get up early to enroll at the local doctors...)