Magic References

james on 2003-06-10T10:38:45

I've been playing around with Perl over the last couple of days to see what I can do with references. I really get annoyed with having to test everything to see if it is blessed before testing to see if it matches the interface that I'm expecting: if (blessed( $arg ) && $arg->isa('Some::Class')) { # ... } So what I've been trying to do is get it so that references are automagically blessed into a class that shares the name of their reference type: % perl -Mmagicrefs -MData::Dumper -e 'print Dumper( {} )' $VAR1 = bless( {}, 'HASH' ); And it all works, so now I can do: use lib './lib'; use strict; use magicrefs; ## turn on magic references

my $c = { Auto => 'blessed', refs => 'are', fun => '.' };

print $c->keys->join(','),"\n";

## or ##

if ($c->keys->grep( sub { /^[A-Z]/ } )->size == 1) { print "right\n"; } else { print "wrong\n"; }

## or ##

my %hash = $c->deref;

## or with the magic of deparse

print sub { 1; }->code(), "\n";
I'm guessing the chances of this going into the core are pretty slim however :-)


rafael on 2003-06-10T11:21:54

The "blessed( $arg ) && $arg->isa('Some::Class')" idiom is not necessary. You can do

#!perl -l
$x = {};
print UNIVERSAL::isa($x,"Foo::Bar") ? 1 : 0;
print UNIVERSAL::isa($x,"HASH") ? 1 : 0;

(as documented in the UNIVERSAL manpage)


james on 2003-06-10T11:36:55

I know, I was using it as a small, trite example. The actual problem is that its easier to refactor away conditions if everything is an object - which is my real dislike. I felt going into why I like to refactor away conditions was probably beyond the scope of the journal entry, which was more about having HASH/ARRAY/SCALAR/... objects, and the nice things that you can do once you have them.


rafael on 2003-06-10T11:50:37

And by the way are you going to upload magicrefs to some comprehensive perl archive network ?


james on 2003-06-10T11:54:01

It's essentially a patch against pp.c in the perl source. I could put it on CPAN, but it seems like a strange place to put a patch. I think it might be possible to do something similar with, but I need to talk to sky a little about that.


rafael on 2003-06-10T12:14:59

Ah. You're evil, then ;-) If this is a core patch, then I don't understand what's in -- is it a lexical pragma ? What core function(s) are you patching, and to do what ?


james on 2003-06-10T12:26:28 is a pragma similar to sort, ie, not lexical.

Essentially it alters S_refto in pp.c. sets a hint that is examined in S_refto to determine whether or not we should bless all references that are created (with the exception of those that are SvREADONLY). magicrefs also use's the various reftype modules.


rafael on 2003-06-10T12:49:27

OK, I can now see how can help -- by inserting a bless op before the refgen/srefgen ops.


malte on 2003-06-10T15:04:43

You could probably do this by overloading the dereferencing operators.

Obviously, at the expend of acceptable performance.


acme on 2003-06-10T12:36:50

Now all you need to do is make sure that it works with Acme::Dot and then we have Ruby in Perl!

Possible breakage

2shortplanks on 2003-06-10T13:42:16

Quite a lot of code needs to know if what it's passed is a object (which it shouldn't go inside) or a hash (which it can.) To do this it uses blessed which you've just broken.

Let's fix that

sub BasicType::a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here { 0 }
(untested code, of course)