Another day, another release...

james on 2001-11-12T17:35:30

I've come back from a hectic week away from the office to a long list of suggestions for OpenFrame that were cooked up between CRE and ourselves. We implemented lots this morning, and passed make test to get to a release this afternoon.

Slowly OpenFrame is becoming useful outside of Fotango. Seriously, it is a long process, especially when the bulk of the initial development was done in piecemeal by one person (namely me). Design decisions are made and you can't remember why you made them. Its hard to take the blinkers off sometimes and see outside of what your organization would use a particular piece of software for. Ah well, these things all take time.

I think this is also probably one of the first modules on CPAN to have Games::WordGuess as a dependancy... Thanks to acme there are some examples included in the distribution now, that circle around a hangman game. Needless to say on the afternoon that was written not much work was done :-)