
james on 2003-02-03T17:09:07

After an argument about version numbers and a couple of small changes the site finally went live four hours after the planned release point. When you consider that this plan was put together over six months ago its not bad timing for the delivery :-)

Of course, no one can register unless they have a Canon digital camera, zoom browser, and the latest zoom browser/internet communications plug in thingymajig, which will be downloadable tomorrow.

Canon Image Gateway


djberg96 on 2003-02-03T17:37:27

I'll have check it out, since I have a Canon Powershot (about 3 years old now - forgot the model number) and the zoombrowser software (perhaps not installed but it's on the CD with the driver).

Can you provide more details as to what this is all about?


djberg96 on 2003-02-03T19:07:11

Oops - I didn't see the link. However, I don't see "US" as one of the countries. I'll try UK - when I get home. :)


james on 2003-02-04T09:51:55

Well, its all about new consumer Canon products (digital cameras first) that get sold in Europe. They'll all tie up with the CIG website, and be fairly well integrated as time goes on. This is a first release, so the level of integration isn't huge but it is there which is cool. Slowly the features and supported devices will ramp up. Its a first step for Canon Europe, which is a Good Thing.