I Went to bed last night at 2am and woke up at 4:30am to take Margaret to work. I went to the hotel afterward and hung out in the lobby reading email and generally messing around until it was time to go into the talk.
I have had the opportunity in the past to see Damian Conway's Advanced OOP talk but for one reason or another didn't ever make it. Well, it was definitely the highlight of the conference so far for me. Lots of information presented in a way that is easily digestible while remaining rather dense. Definitely the best technical talk I have ever attended if for no other reason than the skill of the speaker.
After all of this I came home and collapsed. Now Ty is talking about going to the store and I'm wondering if I shouldn't take another little nap while it's still early (2am) so that I have plenty of fire left for the Alpaca party.