Yes! I have got a new (perl) job!

htoug on 2005-08-31T08:55:02

I have just handed in my notice at my current job. On october I will start as perl-developer doing mod_perl on linux.

A nice change from the place where I am now (and have been the last 13 years), where the manglement in their infinite witlessness have decided that we should drop everything we have developed in perl and change to .Not and C#. A decision I had vigorously fought against for 9 months.
The decision was taken nearly 2 years ago, and since then development and maintainance of our production perl-systems has been trottled down to nearly nothing - much to the annoyance of the users who are happy with th systems and want more.
Tool and architecture decisions have been totally lacking - in fact nothing has happened - except that all developers got a 3 day .Not and C# course last spring; a course that we all have forgotten everything from by now.

Just after my holidays I stumbled across an add from Adapt, where one of the Copenhagen Perl Mongers works. I applied and got the job.

I'm looking forward to it sooo much ;-)


Beatnik on 2005-08-31T09:54:11

Now get your butt over to Braga! I wont be there but that doesn't mean you can't terrorize the local pub ;)


htoug on 2005-08-31T10:23:38

I miss it too...

/me hopes for Oscon/EU