CPAN::Mini::Inject 0.12

hide on 2005-01-05T01:28:30

After releasing 0.10 a bug was discovered by cpantesters (thank you!). I had coded skips in each test for file permission if testing on Windows. I managed to get the wrong name for the OS ('Win' instead of 'MSWin'). This caused numerous tests to fail.

After updating the failing tests I asked rjbs (thank you) if he would run the tests for me on Windows before I released this new version. More test failures.

I had previously changed the tests to use:

eval "use Test::Exception";
skip 'Test::Exception not installed', 2 if $@;
use Test::Exception;

to run on an AIX test box I had. This code while working on OS X, AIX, and Linux (FC2 and RHEL 3.0) broke on Windows. I changed the code back to:

eval { use Test::Exception };
skip 'Test::Exception not installed', 2 if $@;

The tests now work on Windows, OS X, Linux, and another AIX box I managed to test on, but still not on the original AIX box. As it appears the problem may be with the first AIX box rather than the eval {} code, this release uses eval {} in it's tests.