Fighting with RedHat.

hide on 2004-08-25T22:27:46

Today I spent entirely too much time trying to install modules on RedHat boxes.

My new notebook for work (IBM T41) is now running Fedora Core 2. I was attempting to update Test::Harness and kept running into a problem with one of the tests (test-harness.t test #40). Which is a known issue but for some reason I decided to find the cause. I didn't find it, but spent too long looking. Hopefully I'll be able to look again.

On a RedHat Enterprise Server v3, I've been trying to install CPANPLUS. There were a number of different errors that I looked through but wound up looking at the Makefile. The Makefile is a mess. Unmatched quotes, half a directive on one line, the rest as the value for another. Really weird. I have more to look into there too but it might be pointless as we might rebuild with Fedora Core 2 as we are not happy with RHES.

Building modules on Red Hat

iburrell on 2004-08-26T19:56:29

Red Hat Enterprise Linux may have the same problem that afflicted RH 9 and caused Makefiles to be corrupted. The change that made was Red Hat making UTF-8 locales the default, for example en_US.UTF-8. Older Perl 5.8 versions had a bug that produced corrupt Makefiles with a UTF-8 locale.

The solution is to set the C locale before building modules.

export LANG=C
perl Makefile.PL

Re:Building modules on Red Hat

hide on 2004-08-27T18:04:46

That was it exactly. I just finished the CPANPLUS install and can now move onto getting other work done. Thank you very much.

Again with the Redhat.

schwern on 2004-08-29T15:45:45

Is this your bug?

Re:Again with the Redhat.

hide on 2004-09-08T12:19:18

Yes, that's exactly it. Knowing what it is now, I've forced the install of Test::Harness.

Thank you.