What was I thinking?

hide on 2004-06-12T13:25:08

I've started writing modules for my project at work. We're in the midst of replacing all our PHP with Perl and moving toward a MVC based design.

My co-workers have asked for an example of how to use the modules I've written. As such I'm going to rewrite one of my existing scripts using the new modules. Digging through the program I was trying to figure out what I was thinking when I was writing this one.

I had split a delimited line of text into a list (not so bad yet), then I'd used the list one element at a time to do various things. This is where the problem lies. I can not remember what each element of the list represents without looking at the input file. So much for easily maintainable code. Needless to say, this script is going to be rewritten.