So, I'm casting my eye around jobs.perl at the moment to see if there's anything good going in London at the moment. Is there anything out there I should particularly avoid? (Yes, I know about jobs-discuss, but since I subbed to it a week ago I haven't seen any traffic.)
That said, if anybody's looking for a hacker, I'm available... happiest when the job spec is writing fresh Perl rather than maintaining a heap of soul-sucking legacy code. Also, preferably it would involve sane version control policy, code standards, and copious amounts of unit tests. (I like tests.) And if it were some kind of Web 2.0* company, that would be even better.
* Yeccch! But you know what I mean. Interesting Web applications that involve people.
hex on 2007-06-02T11:13:41
As I understand it, jobs-discuss is deliberately unarchived so people can slag off^W^Wdiscuss employers without worrying.