As Kake has commented, we've gone live with The Open Guide to London, the replacement for Grubstreet. This is the system that I was talking about working on back in February. It's a massive improvement over UseModWiki for our purposes, and is veritably dripping with new functionality. Kake has hacked like a demon on it, and it shows. And course, the code is available (CPAN: OpenGuides): so now people can set up their own Guides. It's so exciting to be at this point, because things are really starting to happen now.
In other news, Wikibot is up to 0.41, and the major improvement is that it can listen to multiple channels at once. I've also added control via privmsg, and support for CGI::Kwiki wikis. Personally, I don't like Kwiki at all, my feelings being that it's an extremely immature system that's had far too much hype. However, since so many people seem to be using it (like YAPC::Europe) there's clearly a need for Wikibot to cope with it.
As of three weeks ago, I started working at Fotango, joining acme, blech and sky amongst others. I'm happy to be here. There's lots of Perl.
I'm really excited about going to Paris for YAPC::EU! Unfortunately, my wife can't come with me. She's not an EU citizen, and has to get a visa - but the French embassy doesn't have any appointments free until August. There's no way around it - the European (Schengen) visa has to be applied for at the embassy of the country most of your stay will be in, or the one you're entering first. Both of these are France. Damn :(
hex on 2003-07-03T15:18:34