I'm afraid my website is slowly becoming a big ball of mud. (It "Smells Bad")
Basically, it was organized as three blogs in three vaguely-overlapping subject areas, but then I got a blog on use.perl.org ... so it's four. Sorta.
Here's the site
Here's my thoughts:
Reorganize the site:
(A) Leadership-Ish Stuff
(B) So you're thinking about an Advanced Degree in CS? PPTs, papers, and programs. (Think of it as "OpenCourseWare Lite")
(C) Faith
(D) Software Development
(E) Quality Through Agile Methods
(F) Perl
(G) Professionalism in software development
I'm thinking of marrying D&E or even D, E, and F. Maybe G as well. The span of control, as it stands now, is too big.
Also, the terms need to be shorter.