I might as well jump on the bandwagon.
- Schwern: writing maintainable code is good anyway, but especially if I want other people to help maintain my CPAN modules :)
- Steve Peters talking about Unicode, because I am a silly American
- zombie email eats your brains! (rjbs)
- Dave Rolsky: we've talked about Fey. I'm really interested to see how it's shaping up and where he plans to take it in the future.
- DBIx::Router catches my interest because I've done all the things Perrin talks about in his abstract, and I hated it; on the other hand, jjore and the perl 5 VM is sure to be amusing/enlightening/terrifying
- jibsheet, timezones, for many of the same reasons that I want to see Steve's unicode talk
- toss-up between chromatic and mst
- Schwern, "What is Obvious?", because that's a lesson I'm still learning
I might try a lightning talk; I have several ideas, but I'm not sure if anything will come together.
Each year I start getting excited about YAPC earlier and earlier, and this year I'm also looking forward to staying around afterwards for whatever hacking goes on. Only three more weeks!