[ Cross-posted from http://hanekomu.vox.com ]
Has it really only been two and a half weeks since the end of YAPC::EU 2007? In this relatively short time I have already discovered some new technologies/toys, and have started to use others that I knew before but didn't really have any time or motivation to explore. Among them are, in no particular order: Plagger, SVK, del.icio.us, Twitter, Vox, Web::Scraper, ShipIt, Module::Install, miro, tvrss.net, OpenID, last.fm, SlideShare, Dopplr, TheSchwartz, Kwalify, Data::ObjectDriver, memcached, Test::Base and more.
I feel a bit like I imagine the Japanese must have felt in 1854 when Commodore Perry landed and pretty much kicked them into the technological reality of the day.
Normally a month goes by much too fast, but this time there's been so much happening in those 18 days that YAPC::EU feels long ago already.
So, thank you, Perl community; thank you, YAPC::EU!