Hybrid IRCD PK Auth responder

hachi on 2007-01-29T10:52:35

I wrote this for PK auth in Hybrid IRCD. Mostly because I didn't want to have to compile the challenge binary on computers.


use strict; use warnings;

use Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA;

my $private_file = shift or die "First arg is private file";

my $private_string = do { open my $private_fh, '<', $private_file or die "Couldn't open $private_file: $!";

local $/; <$private_fh>; };

my $private_key = Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA->new_private_key($private_string);

$private_key->check_key() or die; $private_key->use_pkcs1_padding;

my $challenge = shift; my $binary_challenge = pack("H*", $challenge);

my $binary_response = $private_key->decrypt($binary_challenge); print unpack("H*", $binary_response) . "\n";

Reading the challenge from the argument list is probably bad form, but I don't care at the moment.