Path handling in JavaScript with b9j.path

grink on 2008-08-28T02:10:34

b9j.path provides a way to parse, manipulate, and generate URI/UNIX-style paths.

CPAN provides lots of different options for path-handling and path-manipulation, but there didn't seem to be anything really available in JavaScript-land.

To fill the gap, I've released b9j.path:

 var path = new b9j.path.Path("/a/b/c")

 // /a/b/c/xyzzy
 var child = path.child("xyzzy")

 // /a/b
 var parent = path.parent()

 // ... and much, much, more...

It's part of my b9j javascript pack available at:

» Download

» Documentation

» Test

Path handling in JavaScript with b9j.path: a UNIX-style path parser, manipulator, and generator


malte on 2008-08-29T18:54:21


its always nice to see posts about my favorite janguage JS on use.perl

Have you seen my JavaScript port of Moose called Joose. It might be interesting for you.


grink on 2008-08-30T03:36:09

What, Perl isn't your favorite? :)

Joose looks very cool. JS's prototyping seems pretty powerful, but there's not a lot of sugar to make subclassing/traiting effortless.


malte on 2008-09-01T17:30:12

Pretty much the same situation as with Perl, isn't it? I found programming with Joose to be much more productive than regular JS, because it is a much more declarative approach to programming. Plus if you already know Moose, most of the APIs should feel really natural. On an aside: While Moose still brings in a pretty heavy startup cost, Joose bootstraps in almost no time.