Getopt::Chain released: git(1) style command-line processing

grink on 2008-08-17T20:30:48


Option and subcommand processing in the style svn(1) and git(1)

Getopt::Chain will help you make your command-line scripts work like this:

    ./script --opt --opt=<value> cmd --opt ...
    ./script cmd ...

NOTE: Any option specification covered by Getopt::Long is fair game.

Here is some example usage:

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w

    use strict;
    use Getopt::Chain;

    # A partial, pseudo-reimplementation of git(1):


        options => [qw/ version bare git-dir=s /]

        run => sub {
            my $context = shift;
            my @arguments = @_; # Remaining, unparsed arguments

            # ... do stuff before any subcommand ...


        commands => {

            init => {
                options => [qw/ quiet|q --template=s /]
                run => sub {
                    my $context = shift;
                    my @arguments = @_; # Again, remaining unparsed arguments 

                    # ... do init stuff ...

            commit => {
                options => [qw/ all|a message|m=s /]
                run => sub {
                    my $context = shift;

                    # ... do commit stuff ..

            add => ...

            help => ...


    # The above will allow the following (example) usage:
    # ./script --version
    # ./script --git-dir path/to/repository init
    # ./script --git-dir path/to/repository commit -a --message '...'
    # ./script commit -m '~'

The source repository is on GitHub:

Getopt::Chain released: git(1) and svn(1) style command-line processing


rjbs on 2008-08-18T00:45:11

you might be interested in looking at and/or stealing from App::Cmd


grink on 2008-08-18T03:12:20

Yeahp, I was/am aware of (MooseX::)App::Cmd, they feature prominently in the SEE ALSO