Wellington.pm August Meeting

grantm on 2008-08-14T10:59:06

We had the August meeting of Wellington.pm this week. Sam gave us his talk on the work he did converting the Perl source code history to git. It turned out to be a rather larger undertaking than he originally imagined. Sam was preparing this talk for YAPC::Eu but unfortunately the costs of getting there have proved prohibitive so he may just have to recast the talk as a chapter in his memoirs.

Next up, Brenda gave us a quick rundown on opportunities for networking with (open source) geeks in Wellington. In a novel twist, her presentation slides were a flickr photo set.

After Brenda's talk we had a lively discussion on strategies for dealing with an inherited codebase; code formatting styles; Perl best practices; the evils of misused subroutine prototypes; and interesting home grown config file formats.

To round off the evening, I gave a 'behind the scenes' talk on last month's HackOff competition. The focus for people on the night (and after the event) has been on decoding the datafiles for each of the problems. The focus of the talk was on how I went about encoding the data to produce the question files. There is strong interest in doing it again next year which means more work for me - but at least I had fun.