The May meeting of Wellington.PM was last night. Our two speakers were both first-timers - in this forum at least. Dan Jacka talked about Win32::OLE which was good. Unfortunately not many people present use Windows. Maybe if we had more talks like Dan's we'd get more interest from Windows folk but it's the old chicken and egg thing. I know if I was still stuck with windows I'd be keeping Perl very close.
Next up, Paul Chilton talked about his SiteLife project. It's essentially a proxy service through which you can view your web site. The proxied view gives you some widgets you can use to access interesting info and tools. I was particularly interested since I came up with essentially the same idea some years ago. The main difference is that Paul got off his butt and made it happen whereas I just had this cool idea kicking around in my head and some rough sketchs on paper.
Once again, it was mentioned that people love the lightning talk meetings. I do too, but experience has shown that as coordinator it takes me the same amount of effort to get someone to commit to giving a 5 minute talk as it does for a 20 minute talk. So essentially organising a lightning talk meeting means at least 5 times as much work for me :-(