Last night we had another successful technical meeting of Wellington.PM. We got a decent size crowd that included a couple of new faces.
Brenda kicked off by telling us how she got landed with a broken system based on IPC::Shareable and after failing to revive it, she saved the day by hacking in Cache::Memcached instead.
Andrew followed up with an enthusiastic introduction to log4perl. It would certainly seem to have some advantages over the logger class we're using on the current work project.
Then it was my turn to talk about Exception Handling in perl. The preparation was very last minute and borrowed heavily from Matt's talk on the same subject. Unfortunately I didn't get time to finish my Ignorability Meter graphic until after the meeting, but it made it into the archived version of the slide.
Next month Sam's going to try out his OSDC talk on us (ORMs and such like). Maybe one day someone will get round to organising a social meeting - hopefully it won't have to be me :-)