We recently discovered that we're seeing degraded performance on a server since we upgraded it from Debian woody to Debian sarge. As well as updating all the system libraries, our upgrade included moving to a 2.6 kernel and upgrading from Perl 5.6.1 to 5.8.4.
One job in particular has gone from taking 4.5 hours to taking 9. The process is mostly CPU bound and uses around 2GB of RAM.
There are obviously many things that could have caused the change. I'm not leaping to the conclusion that Perl is the cause, I'm merely interested to know if anyone else has had a similar experience.
Update: Forgot to mention ... another possible culprit we're looking at is hyperthreading which we didn't have with the 2.4 kernel. Ideally we'd just turn it off and see if the job runs faster, in practice it's proving to be more difficult.
Re:check regexen
grantm on 2006-03-06T22:37:32
Hmm, that is interesting. We did have another problem where some of our regexes failed under 5.8. Apparently it was due to a bug that also existed in 5.6 but seldom reared it's head due to differences in memory allocation or something.