Limited success :-(

grantm on 2005-11-05T05:26:43

I'd like my children to draw. They love colouring in, but lack the confidence to create their own drawings.

They also like to play with Tux Paint, but that's kind of counter productive since the 'stamp' tool drops pixel perfect images into their creation and next to that, anything they paint looks, well, childish.

Being a geek, I obviously turned to technology for a solution to this social problem and used Perl to create these drawing puzzles (link may be broken while a DNS change propagates). It was successful in a sense - it made the cover of TPR 1.0. Unfortunately, the easy puzzles weren't easy enough to build the kids' confidence so they gave up early.

Anyway, that was all a long time ago. Today my son decided to draw a picture. Rather than crayons on paper, he used DrawIt on my old Handspring Visor, but he drew it all himself. And he was happy with the result. I guess I should be thrilled. Here's how it went ...

"Look Daddy, I've drawn the Windows XP boot screen!"