
grantm on 2005-09-08T09:27:49

Publishing a module on CPAN can open you up to receiving many emails containing all manner of questions and feature requests. Most will come from people who have not bothered to read the documentation or the FAQs. Some will come from people who can most kindly be described as nutters.

I have recently received a string of emails from one correspondent who wishes to simplify XML::Simple by building in XSD schema support. Arggghhhhhh!!!

I made the mistake of replying to one of his earlier emails. I won't make that mistake again.

XML::Simple doesn't validate?

Alias on 2005-09-09T01:02:08

Excuse me for not having RTFPod myself, but XML::Simple doesn't do validation? If not, does that mean I'm really only limited to using XML::Simple in the sort of situations that don't really justify the use of XML at all... like say config files.

"If you don't need a schema, you don't need XML"

Re:XML::Simple doesn't validate?

TeeJay on 2005-10-11T11:26:13

If you want simple and validated - use XML Twig - it provides a powerful API with optional validation (iirc) and also the Simplify method which gives you XML::Simple style data.

Furthermore - most XML processing doesn't require validation against a schema or DTD - usually you have a bunch of fields you are interested in and what get stuff out of or update - so long as they roughly the shape you expect things are fine.

Validation would check that required fields and attributes, etc are present but frequently things change and its easier to update code than exchange and agree on new schema.

Re:XML::Simple doesn't validate?

grantm on 2005-10-11T20:46:14

Actually, I assumed Adam was trolling and ignored his post in the same way as I ignored the original email :-)